Good Works

Bridges to Prosperity

The Rotary Club of Walnut Creek, in partnership with Bridges to Prosperity (B2P), the Rotary Club of Cochabamba (Bolivia) and five Rotary Clubs in the East Bay area are helping to build bridges in the Bolivian mountains.  The picture below features work crews for a recently completed bridge in Machacamarca, Bolivia.  The Bolivian Rotary Club partner for the project is Rotary Club of Cochabamba.

The young people pictured below are Bridges to Prosperity staff and engineers from US engineering firms that partner with B2P. They assist in the construction and provide training to local members of the beneficiary communities. Occupational training is key to the sustainability of these projects, as it amplifies the economic benefits of the bridges by supporting family incomes in the communities long term.  The bridges are necessary safety and eonvience requirements to facilitate travel between the villages of the local population and places where they work and study.  The bridges are particularly important during the rainy season.

The other East Bay Rotary clubs participating in the B2P project are from Concord, Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek (Diablo View) and Concord-Diablo.  More information on the overall B2P project can be found here.

Artificial Hand Project

 We in Rotary are extremely fortunate to be able to assist others in overcoming the challenges they face. In this case, a number of Rotary clubs came together to fund prosthetic hands for those in need in Guatemala and Honduras. Fatima in Guatemala came to get her new hand provided at no cost. Pictured with Fatima and her mother is Rotary Club of Walnut Creek's very own Roberto Romero

City of Walnut Creek Annual Community Service Day

Every year in the fall, members of the Rotary Club of Walnut Creek (RCWC) participate in the City of Walnut Creek Community Service Day. This year, a team of Rotarians, assisted by members of the Walnut Creek Boys Scout troop sponsored by the Rotary club, gave the chicken coup at Borges Ranch City Park a facelift. Below are pictures of the work in process. (Note the customer looking on.)

Borges Ranch is a city owned park which was established in 1899 by Francisco Borges and his family and is a great example of an early 20th century central California cattle ranch. Today many of the original buildings and structures still exist including the Borges family home which is one of seven structures placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1981

Fishing in the City a Success

The Rotary Club of Walnut Creek held its annual Spring Fishing in the City event at Heather Farm Park in Walnut Creek on Saturday, April 14. Upon arriving at the pond, 52 third graders from Buena Vista Elementary (Walnut Creek) picked out fishing poles, baited their hooks, and cast their lines in hopes of snagging a trout or catfish.

“And many did,” says Rotarian John Gardner, who helped innovate the program close to twenty years ago. “We had a good catch rate this year. The kids really knew what they were doing!"

Fishing in the City is a partnership between the Rotary Club of Walnut Creek, Buena Vista School, the Department of Fish and Wildlife (which stocks the pond with trout and catfish prior to the event), and the City of Walnut Creek. Designed for children in urban and suburban areas, Fishing in the City encourages children to enjoy an outdoor activity with their parents and siblings, while learning the life skill of fishing.

"In its two decades at our school, this program has become a 'destination activity' for students when they enter the 3rd grade," says Debórah Walker, Buena Vista's K-5 science teacher. "It is a center point for our Life Science curriculum, which has included the study of animal adaptations (Fish have a lot of them to live in the water!) and habitats (What lives in the water with the fish?). Watershed studies extend on into the upper grades and this lays a solid foundation."

"Fishing in the City is one of our Rotary club's favorite activities—bringing kids and their parents outdoors to share in an activity they don't do everyday," says Gardner. "It's our pleasure to be a part of that.

We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders in Walnut Creek CA.

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(Many meeting are both live and Zoom™.  See: Our Meeting Schedule)
Tuesday - 12:15 PM

Assistance League Diablo Valley
2711 Buena Vista Ave.
Walnut Creek CA 94597

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