Concord RotoCare Clinic (beginning 2009)

BY: Webmaster
POSTED November 13, 2023 IN
General, Philanthropy

The Concord RotaCare Clinic began offering free health care to the most needy, uninsured, of our community in September of 2009.  This was after a two year research and effort to create a business plan, raise funds, recruit personnel and establish relationships with health care providers.

Since beginning to provide urgent care, the program has expanded to deliver chronic care, some specialty care, health education, diabetes screening and education as well as vaccination clinics.  Originally, RotaCare joined forces with John Muir Health using their mobile clinic to reach out to disparate areas of the community.  After two years, it became apparent that RotaCare had outgrown the vehicle provided by John Muir, and the RotaCare team embarked on a successful capital campaign to raise the funds for a new mobile clinic designed specifically for it’s requirements.  In May 2013, the new vehicle became available and was put to work.

The Concord RotaCare Clinic has grown from Thursday night weekly at the Cambridge Elementary school in Concord, to being open two nights weekly.  On the first and third Tuesday of each month urgent care is offered at the Monument Crisis Center (MCC).  Diabetes screening is also offered at that location for the MCC clients.  RotaCare provides nurses at the MCC senior moments program to do blood pressure screening.  At the clinic, seniors from the UC Berkeley Optometry School are performing vision testing.  Along with MCC education classes on nutrition, cooking and diabetes education are provided. On the second and fourth Tuesdays monthly, specialty care is offered at the Healthy Women’s Clinic at the Salvation Army Church in Concord.

Walnut Creek Rotary has been intimately involved providing the Concord RotaCare Clinic with financial support for both the Capital Campaign and the annual programs.  Volunteers from the Walnut Creek Rotary help medical, translation, and administrative tasks of the Clinic.

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