2004 – Borges Ranch

BY: Doug Switzer
POSTED November 16, 2023 IN
General, Philanthropy

Borges Ranch is a Walnut Creek City Park nestled in the hills of Eastern Walnut Creek.  The farm was a homestead established by the Borges family in the late 1900’s .  Today, the park is a favored venue for learning about family life in the early days of Walnut Creek.  The Rotary Club of Walnut Creek has assisted with several efforts to maintain and improve the park.

In 2004, about 35 members of the Rotary Club of Walnut Creek constructed a new amphitheater replacing a stage that had deteriorated beyond use.  Since that time, the club has periodically maintained the amphitheater area.

The amphitheater was modeled after a similar facility constructed at the City’s Sugarloaf Open space in an earlier year.

Club members have also acted as docents and information guides at the City’s Heritage Day.  This occasion is an annual open house of city park facilities used to acquaint citizens with the history, content, and purpose of the many facilities.

In 2013-2014, two members of the club reconstructed an early 20th century water tank used at Borges and a crew from the club re-installed the tank on a new raised platform.

Club members also have performed various other maintenance tasks such as repairing and painting fences.


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